"Hurra, Hurra Die Schule Brennt"

We had quite a serious veld fire behind and next to the school today! C did not think it was too serious, she could only exclaim: "Hurra, Hurra Die Schule Brennt"! Hiehiehie!

J, my dear colleague(My Magic Kingdom), organised help and took a fire extinguisher from school when it threatened to come too close to the buildings, and the school's grounds men helped by spraying with water from the hosepipes! J snapped away and when she finally came back to the office, she downloaded the pics on my laptop, since she had her pic for the day already!! Thanks J, you saved my day!! There were at least four brilliant pictures, tough times when you must choose!!!

"Hurra, Hurra Die Schule Brennt"

Lets Go!
The girls in the suburbs
They wear nose-rings made of Phosphor
Their lips are blue
Hair is green
They got piercings in their ears.
Sticking it out the pockets
Some bottles of beer
They?re running through the streets
And every place that they go
Is a stench of fuel in the air.

Das ist neu
Das ist neu
Hurra, Hurra die Schule Brennt [x2]??..
???????????. Check here for more!

Wishing you all a fabulous weekend!

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