Like fingerprints

By FrederiqueE12

Festive balcony

Tonight I went walking in the McGill ghetto called so because it is the perimeter where the students of McGill University normally reside. It is a lovely and lively area of the city. It is frosh week in university tonight so lots of youths walking around but it was done relatively tastefully from what I saw. Gangs of pirates in pirate gear, quite tame. for now. I remember painfully having to walk around chained to other newbies wearing nothing but a lovely Glad green garbage bag. No one looks good in such a bag, specially not white legged girls. Somehow I did not manage pictures while out there, bad timing and such.

So I am back home on my lovely balcony, listening to Keren Ann French songs on my laptop, drinking a glass of Drambuie surrounded by little paper lanterns. It is around 28C, beautiful summer weather on this second of September. Since it is Friday and I live in a Hasidic Jewish area, I can hear some chanting coming from an open window. It is actually soothing though it interferes with Keren. I know the Drambuie is not in line with the health routine, but I did go walking...

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