hello again

By admirer

this morning went from the pond to the beach. We walked along the shore in a slow tempo. What a discrepancy between the severe exercise yesterday and our walk today.
As a young girl I trained for some years for swimming matches. At that time the exercises were not so extended but I remember well the endless swimming from one side of the pool to the other, now only using arms, then only legs, then this crawls, then on the back etcetera. When I left the swimming club I never again swam like that and although I loved being in the water, it was only for fun, joy and spontaneous pleasure for what I felt was right for me.
Shall I proceed one day in a month walking in another person?s tempo? Perhaps I can do that!
The heron stood at the pond and was not disturbed by our presence. Only when I came too near she flew away to the other side.
I thank you for your lovely comment on my welfare and sleep this night. I did however sleep not too well, a bit of unrest in my overstretched body.

My haiku:

Whether I go at day
Or in the warm starlit night
I am who I am

And the proverb from Walt Whitman:

I celebrate myself, and sing myself.

Another much simpler form under self goes like this:

I am as God made me.

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