days I'll remember

By bassrockbob

Squealing Toddlers and Boring Farts

Having spent much of the last two weeks walking, cycling, swimming and tennising, we decided that a lazy Saturday was in order, so we headed down to Stockbridge for refreshments, followed by a gentle stroll through the Botanic Gardens. The gardens are currently defaced by a pile of tacky painted fiberglass animals posing as art / a wildlife campaign, and over-run by kids and their doting over-indulgent parents, but we still managed to find a quiet corner for responsible adults.

The refreshments were also somewhat marred by a toddler squealing at 109 decibels and a boring old guy lecturing his family in a loud, self-important manner, but at least they had the decency to look bored out of their heads. How he didn't spot that, I don't know.

I was also entertained by this poster. A great morning!

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