Ramblings and Mutterings

By ValleyAllBlack

Turn Left

Decisions, decisions! Every day of our life we make umpteen decisions, some of them are life changing, some of them in the grand scheme of things appear inconsequential, for example "shall I have a chicken salad sandwich today or a beef salad sandwich?" When I look back on my life I can think of some of the decisions that I've made that have been life changing, in some instances the initial decision seemed a bad move but looking back it may have actually been the ends to a means and worked out for the best. I face some critical decisions this week, well they seem like life changing decisions to me at the moment.

The first is to do with my career, I feel as if I'm at a crossroads at the moment not knowing which way to turn. I've got a big presentation on Wednesday which could definitely be 'make' and who knows could be 'break' as well, and have been practicing it today as the weather has been rubbish. To add to that I'm considering doing further studies, possibly an MSc or MBA, although I'm not quite sure what to do at the moment. I enjoy learning so I am keen to go on and do something, but if I'm thinking about my career I need to be careful in what I choose.

The second is more hobbies related, I'm enjoying this Blipfoto experience but sometimes I'm frustrated at the photos that I can see and want to take, but my camera is not up to. So should I invest in a DSLR? What's my real reason for doing it though? Is it to have the latest gadget or actually to develop my photography skills?

Why 'Turn Left' for the title I hear you ask? Doctor Who fans will know it's an episode from David Tennant's era, when his companion Donna makes a decision which changes her life and the universe forever. Just by turning left at a junction she meets the Doctor and goes on a fantastic journey, if she had turned right the Doctor would have died and Donna and her family would have had a terrible life.

May be that decision about Chicken or Beef is not that inconsequential after all?

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