As seen by me...

By GrantR

Reverse the wreck

Had time to kill waiting on the dogs to be ready at the groomers today so headed down to Longniddry for a bit. I've been totally uninspired for sunsets etc just now, reckon I've done everything nearby a million times and can't always be bothered going miles to get a few shots.

Only got about 4 shots here and the rain came on which ended play. Rain and 100mm x 150mm filters just dont go at all.

This was shot handheld as I left, looking up the wreck towards the land rather than the sea for a change. It's been given a mild HDR treatment in Photomatix 4 and the sky was replaced with the sky from one of the few long exposure shots from today.

Fireworks tomorrow, can't wait! Photographic highlight of the year in Edinburgh. Planning on firing both the D7000 and D90 throughout, the D7000 on a zoom, the D90 on wide for differing shots. Praying the rain stays off!

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