Netters and co

By Netters

Little Planet

I am sorry, I know its a bit, well I dont know, a bit wanky ? or something , but anyway, a guy in the market sell pics of our town like this and I always have a look through them, they amuse me, but I didnt want to ask him how he did it because I didnt wish to appear dim. So I tried and tried myself and couldnt do it , so at great expense (five whole English pounds if you please) I bought a photo mag with a tutorial in, on how to do them. Mine is a bit rubbish as I havent taken the camera anywhere today to get a better landscape, This is the street where I live, IN A LITTLE PLANET !!! * embarrassing happy dance* I shall practice it and perfect it.

Other important news, Freya bought herself roller skates with her birthday money . Stupid me suggested it was her money and she was free to spend it as she saw fit (so thats skates, a sticker book, a barbie bathroom set and a baby in bath that Freya insists is barbies baby, it ISNT , the baby and barbie are different scales, the baby is half as tall as barbie with the same sized feet) I do hate mixing scales in toys, I flinch if my little pony is spotted in the playmobil farm, its all wrong !

So anyway, skater kid cant, skate that is, she got better as the day progressed, they are kiddy skates so have a lock on the back wheel for beginners, I fear she may be a beginner for quite some time :-/ Miss hypermobile limbs has enough bother being upright on feet, roller skates are just plain dangerous

Anyhoo, i made a little planet, did I mention I am chuffed ? *easily pleased*

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