
By tookie

Magical Lichen

Early morning with the hooligans and Big R who picked a bucket of blackberries. I got a macro of lovely teeny lichen on a small branch. We then went over to the Redmond market so Big R could get his pickling supplies and I could sit and listen to tunes with the dogs:) Now he's a busy man in the kitchen doing his canning which distresses him. I'm all for that! I'm off to show a picture to a I took 30 years ago in b/w of who we know believe to be her son in law when he rode my bus...small world. Time for me to retire too ha ha!! Instead of candy then I gave the kids portraits....guess he didn't pick his up!

Addendum to this story is that the picture from thirty years ago was indeed this young friend's son in law! He loved getting the picture of himself and couldn't wait to share it when he next saw his mom...

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