This is Kristina's Life

By kristinaj

More BABY!!!

This was a series of "action" shots I took. Action is in quotes because I ended up choosing the most sedentary shot of all of them to post.

Immediately before this was taken, Benny and Chester had their daily "fight club." Every night before bed, these two like to play fight and it's up for debate as to who enjoys it more--those two doggies OR anyone that catches them doing it. It's so ridiculously cute. Benny spends most of the "fight" rolling around on his back while Chester nips at his neck. The whole time the two of them have these goofy smiles on their faces. They're complete boys--rough-housing every chance they get.

They'd been fighting over "Baby" tonight--Chester's beloved teddy bear. Benny tried to steal it, which led to a game of tug-of-war. In the end, they both gave up. Baby is currently laying on the ground in the living room beneath my feet, while those two carefully watch my mother fix up her dinner for the night. Hey, Baby is important but nothing tops food in the eyes of these two!

Thank you all for your comments the other day! You're the best!! :)

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