Wisdom Begins In Wonder

By bobzilla

Why is that chimney making clouds?

Today has been a good day so far.

My fantastic wife ran the 10km in the Great Scottish Run this morning in aid of Cystic Fibrosis so we all went along to see her off and to be there for her finishing.

As is always the case the 10km is first thing in the morning so I had 90 minutes to kill in the centre of Glasgow on a Sunday morning before most of the shops opened up. We decided to not even bother trying to go anywhere and walked up to the finish line at Glasgow Green to find some of the 10km runners had already finished!

We wandered around the Green to see where everything was and then across the clyde to walk back round in the entrance again. All the while the kids were amazed by the chimney at the Gorbals brewery.

'Is that how you make clouds Daddy?'
'Why does it smell funny?'
'Those clouds are huge! That one looks like a dragon!'

I was going to use a photo of my wife running today but I figured she's the one that did all the work and so should get to show it off herself :)

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