
By nicky


I decided last night not to rush into doing the edging for the patio today, so rain when I woke up this morning wasn't too much of a problem. After spending quite a bit of time reading my new favourite website,, I trotted out to get some sharp sand and cement, (I've decided on a dry mix bedding for the edging stones) and look at what colour and size of gravel I might want. I also got a couple of metres of weed suppressing fabric to put down first.

Next I got a small mallet and bashed a few old slabs to make them into small pieces and arranged them round the edge of the patio-to-be so that they fit together quite neatly, jigsaw style. (I will give them a clean at some point.) I needed a rest after that - I never knew bashing stuff with a mallet could be so tiring! That, and shifting 25kg bags of sand around.

Let's hope next weekend is dry then I can get the next stage done.

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