point and press

By crispinhj

wet walnuts

saw these on the market yesterday and took the plunge

Seasonal food is rather nice and there's not much of it these days - you can get pretty much anything all year round

I remember cauliflowers and salads being very seasonal, and you really looked forward to them arriving at the greengrocers.

This is another experiment with the new camera. I like to shoot in manual most of the time and it's taken me a while to work out how to switch between f stop and exposure - the manual seems curiously evasive about some functions and it doesn't seem to tell you what to do to change these even, let alone to move between them

Apologies to all for the scarcity of my comments recently - we had family to stay, places to go and a sudden surge of work for our little company and I have barely had time to post blips let alone comment. Normal service will hopefully be resumed soon now that guests have departed and things seem to be settling down a bit.

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