A spoonful of sugar

By Poppins

A Venitian Rio

The "rio" (rii plural) in Venice are the little canals that create the intricated network of water ways in Venice... what for any other towns are the normal streets, in Venice are "rii" and canals!

I realize as well how in our own language we have terms that are used only here in Venice, that belong to this town only!....the narrow streets are called "calli"...again, like the word "rio", it's used only in Venice!...the small squares that you can find all around the town are called "campi" ...again another word that belong to Venice!

While I walk around my town...maybe taking pics...thinking that maybe I have to show them to people that don't know Venice... or I stroll around with friends who are not from here...I try to see my town with the eyes of a stranger...and I realize how unique it is in truly every way!...and I'm amazed once again...feeling lucky that this special, magic, wonderful town is MY TOWN! :)

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