La vida de Annie

By Annie

Where did the Summer go?

Managed to get out for a little hobble today with the help of a dear friend, and was amazed to see how much has changed since I was last completely mobile independently. Back in May there was blossom, baby ducks and colourful insects. Now all that is gone and even the blackberries, which I'd intended to return to collect for jam just before the latest silliness happened, were over. The leaves are starting to change colour and the nests are empty. Still some nice reflections to be caught by the ponds, but I was especially entertained by this fun wildflower, which I don't know the name of but I'm sure a lot of you do. It has bright pink orchid-like flowers with a deep "throat" just big enough to accomodate a bee. I tried in vain to capture one emerging or with its bum sticking out, but they were too fast and I was too slow and hands shake a bit nowadays. The fun part of the plants were the swolen pods, which when you touch them explode, a coiled spring-like feature inside throwing out a load of seeds. Played with those for quite a time. Exhausted now and maybe walked just a little too much, but a good day and I can rest tomorrow. Hope everyone had a good day too.

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