Me, myself & I

By AlisonMM

The In-Laws (some of them)

(Apologies for the poor quality of this blip, I was facing into the sun.)

The OM's family came over today, all 17 of them! We ate our way through a ton of food, including my lovely desserts* (see yesterday's blip). There was just a smidgeon of crumble left which I walked round to my parents' for their dinner. I was going to blip the mini strawberry palovas (which went down very well with the teenage nieces!) but this scene struck me as funny!

We decided to have family photo. The OM took one with his camera, putting it on timer so he could get into the picture. No problem. Then everyone else wanted to take one with their cameras. They took ages positioning them and setting the timers, etc. Then they all had to scramble back into position to be in the photo!

Here from left to right you can see the OM's nephew David, brother Andrew, brother Martyn and brother-in-law John.

*All the desserts were courtesy of the people who gave me free fruit and Delia Smith. Delia, if you read this blip, I love and worship the ground you walk on!

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