My Open Book

By AmyLin


Today was unexpectedly chilly for the beginning of September...bummer, I took a picture of lovely flowers yesterday in bright sun and now I'm just lazying around at home, drinking hot chocolate at home to warm myself up.

School tomorrow, there's a feeling of change in the air..hmm.

I kind of want to get out there and check out all the good Labor Day sales, but the weather's just boring and gloomy. Which makes me feel bored..and gloomy.

I look back on this summer and all I can say is that I'm simply blessed and grateful for the people around me. I remember like yesterday how summer started and I felt entirely unfocused and impatient. Also incredibly lonely.
And now, it seems like in a blink of an eye everything's changed, and I come full circle just to start a new one. It's kind of comforting and at the same time scary to me that I'm almost done with a major chapter in my life. Just two more years..and I'm gone. (This may be the hot chocolate talking). But again, eternally blessed. And incredibly grateful.

Scared silly being home alone last night. Just me, comedy central and a computer.
When is the sun going to come out???


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