Journey Through Time

By Sue

Oh, Wow! A trip to Mingus Dahlias

First of all, this was not my idea. Many of you know that I do take a lot of floral images, but my husband said, "Hey, if Mingus Dahlias is open, wanna go up there today?" Well, duh...

They were open as this is their time to make money, so we wandered in their field. The sun grew hot, but they had fresh, cold well water in a thermos for us to drink and a cookie if we wanted, to add some energy. So I took lots of photos as a good blipper must, and we picked out some dahlias that Bill wants to try in the yard. We pick those up later on when the tubers are ready. The owners walk with you when you want to chose flowers for a bouquet and I held the milk jug cut down to hold flowers and we added them one by one. Baker's dozen for $7.00 and she let me have another. Probably because by then, she was glad she didn't have to call 911 as I hadn't collapsed from heat exhaustion. I made a dash for the shade a few times.

My criteria for choosing some images for you to see was based on if I went, Oh, Wow! The one for the blip is called an Orchid Dahlia and I've never seen one like that before. The bees just loved this one. This got a great big OH WOW from me.

Hope you have time to look at my blipfolio.

Oh, Wow! White Dahlia

Oh, Wow! Pretty Purply Dahlia

Oh Wow! Red, purple, yellow, orange dahlia

Oh, Wow! Spiky Dahlia Macro

Actually I didn't say Oh, Wow, when I saw this. To be more precise and to tell the honest truth, I said, "Holy Crap!". Not very elegant, or lady like, but there you go. I've never seen one of these before, but apparently they are a common garden spider. This had to be a female because she was easily an inch and a half or 2 inches long. It is called yellow and black garden spider. Look if you dare!!

Oh, Wow, look at the llamas! Quite a few llamas were in the neighboring field. They fascinate me.

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