cultivate thankfulness

By cultivate

Done with the old

Don't you just love when you write finish writing your blip and hit preview and all your work gets lost in cyberspace? I don't either. Let us try this again...

I have to play catch up due to posting a blip at 2 am yesterday-go me.

My brother and I enjoyed a terrific dinner and conversation at Red Robin. He told me the juicy story of how him and his darling met on his last day vacationing in Italy. Oh, what romance! She lives in China, and they now talk every day for hours. She has promised to come to our home in Colorado for Christmas! I met her on skype the other day and had such a joyful time talking.

Later that evening, Jon and I met up to climb trees, swap stories as the sun went down, and watch an over the top action movie.

I helped my mom clean out of my old room, the one I lived in for over ten years, in order to transform it into a guest bedroom. It was quite a surreal experience disposing of all the posters, notes, pictures, newspaper articles, poems. The most awkward and honestly sad part was having to take down all the love notes and pictures of Dylan and I and put them in the rubbish. I never thought I would have to do that... I felt as if I was ripping my dreams off the wall, and throwing them away...I guess its best to be done with what was, and accept what is.

Finally, Jon picked me up before I had to head back up to Foco for quite an adventure. We went shooting up in Monument with his shotgun and my brother's 22. Mind you, I have never even held a gun before, and in the past had been opposed to such a recreation, however I am into trying new things now a days- so what the hell. I wasn't terrible, maybe with practice I could even be decent. Speaking of trying new things, per Jon's request we listened to dubstep on the way back. Suprisingly enough, I actually fancied it!

I enjoyed dubstep and shooting guns- there goes the neighborhood.

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