My Photographic Footprint

By Theodora8

My living? Can't you tell?

Lost in Leicester.
Not unusual for me.
I went there to cash in photographic prize, in a shop by the station ( where they have the most fantastic service _ Jacobs). I had put off spending the voucher for weeks But today was the day, despite my intense Leicester-Phobia. Nothing worng with Leicester, it's just that I get lost there, every time.

Even with the help of a confused sat nav, I ended up in this street. A street with Porches and BMWs. And less than BMW houses.
As I sat by the side of the road, in my car, yet again checking my sat nav (it was trying to send me to Rugby) when I looked over the road and saw this.
And wondered. Just for a minute how the people who lived there, in that house, had those cars.
I took a snap, and sped off.

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