The Major

This is Dave, my colleague, who has been working as a contractor in our organisation for nearly two years. He is moving on to another organisation at the end of this week, so six of us went out for lunch and Dave very kindly picked up the bill. Dave's soubriquet is The Major which seemed to come about after he turned up at a Christmas Night out wearing tartan "troos" and it just stuck. You couldn't meet a nicer man - we will miss him - although I'm sure we'll bump into each other at some point.

On my way home tonight, I joined a train full of Scotland football supporters travelling out to Hampden Park. It was packed - and was ringing to some interesting lyrics:-
1. When you hear the noise of the Tartan Army boys, we'll be coming down the road.
2. You put your left arm in, your left arm out, your left arm in and you shake it all about, you do the Maradonna and you turn around and you put *!@*ing England out! Oi!

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