
Apparently, High School is "so much better than primary".

He had a great day. Somehow he has managed to lose both the buttons from his blazer and also lost his locker key 10 minutes from the end of the day, in his form room. He was late out of school as he was looking for the key with his form tutor.

I am not surprised. I'm not even bothered. He has been absolutely full of information. He's going to go to Football club and Drama club (I am very pleased about this). He is putting himself up to be school council rep for his form. He came home utterly inspired.

He loves the school dinners. He thinks his form tutor is fabulous.

Apparently, he can't wait to go back again as he has made absolutely no fuss about going to bed and getting up sharp-ish in the morning.

Long may it continue - hahahahaha.

He was also deeply conspiratorial in tone as he related to me the small wager that has been made over how quickly the naughty boy in his class will get a detention. Apparently, this boy has already made a name for himself! James was not in the slightest bit impressed by the other boy' behaviour. He has obviously heard too many stories from me about how poor behaviour disrupts learning and frustrates teachers. In fact, James was almost bordering on smug when he said that he had been told that he will do well if he tries as hard as he has today.

What more could I want?

So, chilling on the sofa, whilst wearing the wireless headphones that Corin bought not 30 minutes earlier, eating his second evening meal, here is my boy, who I could not be more proud of.

(And yes, I did sit in the car park, briefly, and cried, as I watched him stride confidently away from me this morning - sad, but true!)

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