Bristolwood and Beyond

By bristolwood

Baby, it's Cold (and WET!) Outside!

Having enjoyed the playful (and sometimes *wild*) antics of the Ruby-Throated Hummingbirds this summer, it is hard to imagine that in days, they will be gone....heading off to warmer climes!

For those not familiar with these little birds, they are very tiny, but also very territorial! It isn't the least bit unusual to be sitting on the front porch and have two of these birds fly by at breakneck speed, one fleeing, and the other, in hot pursuit! Oftentimes, a little bird will find a place to perch so it can easily dive-bomb any other little bird that might get the notion to visit "its" feeder!

Today was dark, dreary, chilly, wet, and dismal.....Scottish readers of my blog would deem it dreich! Although not a very good image, I was glad for this photo of the Hummingbird. It shows just how "colorless" everything appears today! I took this photo not only through my (dirty) kitchen window, but through the screen as well!

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