Hope for Emergencies

By eeyikes

This is my phoenix ring. I got it after a really tough breakup in early 2010, thinking I'd stop wearing it after I got over him. I've since learned that breakups aren't the only obstacles to happiness in life, and I should just wear the ring every day. So I do. It reminds me of all the bad stuff I've already overcome, and that I can overcome whatever's coming my way today too.

Today was an angry and frustrating day (which is why I wanted so much uber-saturated red in my blip). I will never understand why some people find it so impossibly difficult to communicate with their fellow human beings without being nasty. But that's OK. Me 'n my phoenix ring have seen worse. At least I have a quiet evening free in which to browse the day's blips, write some sketches/blog posts, and snuggle with my kitty cat. Here's hoping for a happier tomorrow.

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