Bring it on.....

.......Rugby World Cup 2011 starts tomorrow.....

Today, Doug had to go down to do some work with contractors at the Kurow Bridges, I went along for the ride. It was good to get out and blow some cobwebs away.

I was spoilt for choice today, but since the CUP is starting tomorrow, I couldn't not show this one to the world......on the outskirts of Kurow, a small town on the banks of the Waitaki River, they have dressed up round bales to celebrate the ocassion and to advertise to our welcomed travellers the fact that Richie MaCaw, captian & worlds best No 7, comes from their neck of the woods.....he is a mighty man.

The roads are seething with camper vans with English & Scottish fans & mailbox's along State Highway 1 have the Kiwi Flag along with the Silver Fern flag too. I did see a English Flag from one mailbox.....misguided person!!!

My other choices can be seen in my blipfolio...take a look if you have time, and view our portion of our amazing country.

Bring it on..........


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