Mostly stuff

By Ailsabm


Today this was published, so I'm blogging retrospectively to fill in lost days (photos all taken on boyfriends phone plus epic tired). I sent the submission to Heat, because there had been little from the Fringe, and because I was sick of seeing them have "so and so out of Big Brother 4 at Tesco in Luton" or whatever.

The first time I met NG was 2 years ago in a signing line and I was star struck and awkward and my brain couldn't compute meeting my favourite author in my home city (alongside my favourite singer, and now his wife, Amanda Palmer).

This year I ended up in the same place with Neil and/or Amanda half w dozen times and at this very show was able to have a quick, non-signing chat with him, having spent a couple of hours sat on a floor cushion a few feet from him as he read and sang with friends.

The Phill Jupitus is irrelevant, but I knew it was what Heat would want. Ultimately this is about the fact that amazing famous people are so nice when they aren't 'celebrities', and we aren't 'fans', we're just a few people having a chat in the small hours of the Edinburgh Fringe.

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