Self Portrait aged 6

This is in my 'news' book from school that my Mum saved for me, I blipped another one a couple of weeks back...
I find it fascinating, I wasn't a girly girl as a child or so I thought but clearly I loved dressing up and jewellery or would have liked some anyway! The TV was obviously very important too even if there were only 3 channels! I think I was pretty good at drawing too, I love the bared teeth and big tears streaming down the face!

Thank you soooooo much to everybody who left comments on yesterday's 500, I am really touched and have read them all and have been struck by how very kind and sweet so many of them are, isn't it amazing how I/one can be so moved and feel so close to people when mostly I don't even know what you look or sound like..... the photograph is a powerful medium! I have written back to many of you but I fear I may not get back to you all, now that the kids are back at school I have got to get my arse in gear and I have GOT TO WRITE SOME SONGS!!!!! I may be comment light for a while but rest assured I still love ya xxxxx

It also interested me how the 500th image of Gulliver yesterday was perceived as shouting but actually as some of you noticed it was a hand with 5 fingers, a mouth in the shape of a zero and a zero made with thumb and fingers on the other hand ;-)

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