snapped by a curious mind

By iphigenie

Life through a glass of wine

Had a nice meal out with friends last night. Great company - and this means a lot more when you are on your own all day as I am now.

I spent the day pottering about. Cleaning a bit, a bit of internet, rinse, repeat... Trying to decide what to spend my time on, what thing to learn or project to start, too many ideas... the risk is that I do nothing worth anything, or cant decide. Logically I need to refresh my technical skills a bit (but on what, theres so many new things!), and find something to do that gets the right kind of attention.

Another risk is that, in a vaccuum, I start thinking I am an unacknowleded genius or something. Next I'll think I have solved the free energy problem by inventing a perpetual motion machine! When blips about that start to appear, call some help!

Anyway I walked all the way into town but could not find any new pictures - surely I wasnt going to blip another squirrel or plant bit just yet. So I got the camera out during the meal, which got everyone to take their camera or mobile out and share snaps

Anyway, I took some pictures of glasses, and through glasses, and I rather like how this turned out.

It was a good bottle of wine.

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