Craig Brown Photography


Media scrum

Pre match news conference thursday again! Usually i post one of the actual portraits i`ve taken, however todays its more of an "overview" pic of the media scrum. Todays conference was slightly different as our goalkeeper, Paul Gallacher won the players of the month award, so the press interest was higher than usual! a few national papers, stv, bbc and sky sports news in attendance aswell as about 10 reporters from various broadcasters.

Its quite often a bit of organised chaos, photographers grabbing players between tv and radio interviews, the reporters grabbing players between setting up photos and camera filming photographers taking players photos, and vicer verca- so always alot going on... So heres todays blip, of Paul Gallacher being photographed, with the photographer being film by the tv cameras and so on and so on ;)

Heres the shot being set up in todays blip if anyone is interested :)


ps a big thanks for all the comments yesterday on my 200th blip :)

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