secret garden

By freespiral

Love in the mist

Another dull, grey, misty, humid day interspersed with lashing rain. Everything is looking very waterlogged and flattened, including this bejewelled l0ve-in -the-mist.

An exciting weekend as we are off across the water tomorrow so I will be backblipping. We're going to stay with friends in Stratford upon Avon and the highlight of the visit is a trip to the new Royal Shakespeare Theatre to see a performance of Macbeth, The Scottish Play. I used to work at the theatre briefly and it was one of the hardest jobs of my life!! I was tutor to six 13 and 14 year olds who were starring in The Secret Garden(!!!) They had to live, work and play together for 6 months. Hormones and divaism were rampant and the last thing they wanted were lessons! They also came with neurotic and pushy mothers attached. I loved the theatre though, especially eating in he green room where you could find yourself sharing a plate of chips with some terrible wounded man dressed in full Medieval armour (the other play going on was Henry IV).

I also did a bit of chaperoning to another 14 year old, a very pleasant one. He was Prince Arthur in King John and had a terrible time. I loved one of his stage directions - 'collect vomit' - it was freshly made and placed in a little bowl in the wings, horribly realistic too. He also had to fall from the top of the theatre down into the basement!! I had to lead him up to the top, help him into a special harness (horrible responsibility), help him onto a railing, watch him fall, rush down into the basement, unharness him ,cover him in chalk and take him back upstairs where he had to come on as a ghost. In between all this he did his homework!

My brother is coming down too and we have seats on the front row!! Cant wait :)

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