
By SimonC

coins and memories

Karin got these for the school to use as a resource from her Dad recently. I had a look at them this afternoon and they took me back to Harpenden sometime in the late 1960's sitting at a dinner table with my sister eating a somewhat difficult meal. Stringy beans were an aspect. My Grandad left some coins on the table and said whoever finished first got them. Well being a bit competitive I eventually in triumph picked them up leaving my younger sister to her lonely meal.

A bit later I was summoned to give the coins back to my sister who had deviously moved the remains of her meal onto my plate and made it look as though I hadn't finished, I was then made to eat it! scarred for life and still can't eat cold string beans ;-)

She adamantly denied it of course and still does :-0 we must have had bloody strong deep pockets in those days!

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