
By Mimthing


Had to in stay home today to wait for the new addition to the business - a bloody great big gazebo.

This will make it possible for himself to take on bigger vehicles -vans.

It possibly doesn't mean any more income -it will mean we keep a-float.

I made good use of the time and cleaned out the greenhouse roof -removing moss.

Made more soup.

Made plum and cardamon jelly.

As I write this I'm watching a programme called Reel History of Britain -just showed footage of the Accrington Pals.

I wish all those shit-bags that went out a few weeks ago and destroyed parts of London and so many peoples lively-hoods could be sat down and made to watch these programmes and made to realise how bloody lucky they are to have their freedom.

Those men went out to fight for our freedom.

Little did they know how that freedom would be abused.

The photo... tis the dags, they thought there was something interesting in the bag!

Have fun...

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