Annemarie's Blips

By annemarie


Today I decided that I should have a haircut before I go on holiday next week. As I get to know myself during the years, one moment I think it's nice to have my hairs a bit growing and not too short again and the other moment I must have it as short as possible. So I jumped into the barbershop and told the girl with the scissors to get it short... this is normally the most difficult part of the haircut-job. They never ever understand that I want it really short! And with this weather - it's between 20 and 25 degrees this week - I want it even shorter! But if I start talking what "short" means to me, they look to me if they never ever did a haircut with the aim "getting it shorter" before....
So finally, I told myself to be patient and satisfied with what that girl-with-the-scissor did to my good old long brown hairs and go in a few weeks to my neighbour-with-scissors who's the only one in the world who know what short really means..........

On today's blip you can see how a mess it is after the haircut :P hope you like it!

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