Jess & Molly Law

By jml

Take your medecine (s)

I looked at the array of medecines etc we have for Jess & Molly, and decided to show them in a single shot.

From the left:
Mouthwash for Jess. She does not like this treatment, which we have so far administered only once. It replace the full toothclean which was to have been done under anaesthetic, but which was cancelled after she fainted a couple of times recently.

Propalyn for Molly. This is taken twice per day, and is something to do with her urine problem.

Tramadol for Molly. A painkiller for her limpy paw.

Glucosamine for Molly. An vitamin additive (I think).

Incurin for Molly. Taken once a day for her kidney.

At the front:
Tick treatment, Jess & Molly. The blue sachets are the six-weekly dose to try and prevent ticks. When Jess sees them coming out, she heads for the bottom of the garden.

Sample bottle. For Molly, who needs urine tests every so often.

The Olive Oil and the Baker's statue (at the back) have nothing to do with the doggies: they are for my bread-making!


As usual, when I don't actually blip the dogs, I provide a back-blip. Here is Jess, laughing at us.

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