Trial and Error

By DawnC

Well, well, well

In the midst of a very busy day at work I went for a wander into the town at lunchtime to clear my head and decided that today would be a good day to blip the Haslemere Town Well. I only had my little camera with me and it only allowed me to take a couple of pictures because, as it transpired, Son2 had removed the memory card (he's been using the camera following the recent demise of his own, which was was run over by a car..long story). There was also a large Doritos packet going into the well, out of reach but within shot from most angles, so I've ended up going with this spider's web between the railings at the entrance.

Little bit of local history:

Haslemere Town Well

From Medieval times until the late 19th century, this dipping well and Pile Well in Lower Street were the two principal sources of water for the majority of the town's people.

Haslemere's last public water carrier, Hannah Oakford, who died in 1898, charged a penny ha' penny per bucket to deliver water to houses in the town.

And then it says,
This water is not suitable for drinking.

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