The Adventures of Pippin

By kmcameron

Bat dog!

Pippin went on one of her really long walks with my Dad today, and when she got back was soaked through so had to have quite a few washes and then get dried. But, even with about four towels she was still looking very soggy so my Dad got out this little pink hair dryer that is perfectly Pippin sized (it's not actually hers tho - it is a childhood relic)! And she just lay there on her back like that - absolutely no shame whatsoever! But that's one of the cool things about Pippin - she never gets embarrassed about anything. She just goes with the flow and accepts everything as it is.

I know she looks a bit wary of the hairdryer in this pic, but she does actually really enjoy it! She just makes some great expressions in the process for added entertainment value.

I have some funnier pictures where you can see her whole body, but her ears weren't quite as well stuck out in those ones. And I promise I didn't put them like that - she just ended up that way! And I thought she looked a bit like a bat.

And, after she was dry, my Dad put her blanket over her and she just lay there blinking slowly looking blissfully cosy and happy. But she had one back foot sticking out the bottom, which was really quite funny, so I have lots of pictures of that as well.

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