Live for Today



Today's blip was originally going to be of a white board in my office that read " I Hate Wednesdays". Unfortunately, my camera was at home. Odd since I rarely leave the house without one. I worked from 9:30 AM to 9:00PM, so was pretty dang tired by the time I got home. I contemplated taking a nap on the loveseat in my office, but thought that students might find that a bit odd as they walked by. Once I got home I just wanted to sit and do nothing. About 11:30 I realized I hadn't taken a photo yet, so went to quick grab a camera. But alas, two of my cameras had dead batteries. So by the time I found a camera that worked, I barely made it for the day! But I did! I quick snapped a picture of sleeping Luigi's nose. He wasn't too impressed with me accidentally waking him up from his slumber.

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