Return to the North

By Viking

A little ray of sushine

To compliment yesterdays doom and gloom I have a little ray of sunshine.
TeeJay's grandson is up for a couple of days. Normally, because he doesn't see me too often, he spends his days running away and hiding round granny's knees. Today he did that for a while but seemed quicker to accept me.

As rainie predicted we did indeed head out to the Red barn where said 'wee man' stuffed himself full of fish and chips. Once the basket was empty he tipped it up as if looking for more and then decided to play Peek-a-boo with it. He delighted himself, his granny and me for quite some minutes with this new game.
this wasn't the best of the captures in some ways but the better shot had a mouth full of food showing, not pleasant once its been chewed a bit!

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