A Simple Life

By Hannah95

1/365 So Much for First Day of College

Well, this is my first picture for 365, a tad late in starting, but oh well!

I was also meant to start again on the 8th as it was my first day of college, but with so much going on, finding my way around, deciding if I should go home during my breaks or not, should I ask to change this subject now or wait... it kind of slipped my mind. But here I am! Starting now, hopefully I'll stick to it better than last time I tried...

I don't have a lot to do today, I have a bit of research for Drama and one sentence left to write for Psychology, so it should be quite a nice relaxation day!

This is like, a little chest thingy (well... not exactly little) that used to belong to my Grandad, we use it to hold loads of the books we have that don't fit anywhere else right now aha

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