Who am I to disagree?

By longshanks

The window to my soul

This eye's been through a lot - started out at -5.5, lasik in 2001 took it to -0.5 after a detached retina in 2003 and then glaucoma my latest prescription was -7 and even then the sight was dire, actually more a distraction than anything else.

I'd always been told that after the detached retina I'd develop a cataract, and I did, mine's though I'd always believed was fairly minor, but when offered a cataract op my feeling was, why not - let's roll the dice another time and when I signed the consent form that said there was a one in a thousand chance of losing the sight in the eye it was no big deal, it would almost be a relief to get rid of the blurred distraction.

So Thursday I had the cataract op and today, two days later, as you can see the eye's a bit of a bloody mess, but looking from my side it's bloody marvellous. I can't say the sight is sharp the detached retina did too much damage for that ever to be the case, but the blurred distraction has gone completely my brain can now work out what each eye is seeing and merge it into one object - bloody eye - bloody great.

There is though one downside - I'll need a new excuse for being not very good at tennis and badminton, although it'll be at least a month before I'm allowed to run around again.

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