Odd offerings out & about

By roymci

Wedding at the Falkirk Wheel

I'm a really lucky guy today. Robert had been commissioned to photograph a wedding for a family relative and he phoned me up to say that he couldn't be everywhere so could I help out. My role was to to do limited reportage in the church then see what I could capture from the balcony and finally go along to the the reception at the Falkirk Wheel and take shots of the placings before guests arrive. No pressure and just fun.

Robert turned up 2 evenings back with a purple shirt and a yellow tie inscribed with "Hunter Lees Photography". I really looked the part (although I've never had a yellow tie before :))- I might need to upgrade my equipment.

Today, I got to go and watch Robert & John impressively strut their stuff as wedding photographers. I got in to Bonnybridge Parish to bear witness to a fine ceremony in the church of my childhood. The weather god was gracious enough to grant a fine spell between thunderous downpours to allow a horse drawn carriage carry the bride to the church and then the happy couple in to Camelon to the Wheel.

I took this shot just as everyone was arriving and as the wheel was turning.

Wedding photography is a lot more work than you'd think.

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