What a bird hitting into a windows looks like

We were all having a laugh at the number one son and his attempt to imitate the Incredible Hulk, someone he has yet to see in any form to the best of my knowledge, when we heard this thud. In fact, out the corner of my eye I saw a pigeon making a mopve somewhere, little did I know that said pigeon wanted to come into our house. It suddenly struck me that given I had recently washed the windows, after a shameful length of time, it might have confused the poor creature who was so used to see another 'dirty surface in need of a wash' in our house.

So we have the Hulk doing his best to clench his fists and make a face of fury, so much so that he vomitted, (rather embarassingly, the loving father catching the whole scene on video, that will no doubt be on the wedding dvd presentation) the girls in fits of laughter at said performance and one of our resident pigeons making an aborted attempt (Madame saw the bird suddenly realising that it was actually a clean window and trying to furiously back pedal) to join us for some dinner. Yep another normal day in our house.

Obviously you can see the wings and the body but I think I can detect a face of pigeon also.


alternative title Somewhere on your flightpath lies a clean window

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