days I'll remember

By bassrockbob


Ate out this evening. For me it was consolation of a kind, following this morning's visit to my parents. Dad has some kind of virus that is making him very tired, on top of his dizziness and arthritis pains, so he stayed at home while I visited mum. She was barely awake and seems to be deteriorating - barely conscious of her surroundings, and becoming more confused. I'm having real problems making any kind of conversation with dad - we keep having the same conversations over and over, and it strikes me that this has actually been going on for many years, not just the last few months. But enough.

Pizza , wine and pudding was good, if a bit more subdued than usual. And it was quite nice to emerge to an Edinburgh dusk. I did blip the dusk, but those didn't come out so well, so here is our table, pre-pizza.

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