It's dance! No, yoga!'s...ummm

This is Michel Groisman, Brazilian artist, at the Time Based Art Festival going on this week in Portland. Groisman asks himself the question, "If I attach long candles to my arms and legs and use one candle to light the others, moving my body slowly and carefully so that, although I get hot wax all over my back, shoulders, and underpants, I don't actually set myself on fire; and if I attach long straws so that I can put the fire out whenever I want, and if I make a kind of yoga-dance performance with this movement, will people want to watch?" I've never thought about that particular question before.

Grazingllama and I went to see this and other provocative installations, happenings, and performances. I'm curious to see what she posts.

I apologize for deleting the Blip I posted yesterday. I liked that picture in the morning, but by the afternoon, I thought it was crap, and I just couldn't leave it up. Thanks to those of you who made kind comments. I know I really challenged you to think up something supportive to say, but I just couldn't live with myself and leave that up. I'm edging my way toward 200, one forward and then sometimes two back, but I'll get there soon.

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