Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Kyle's Desire -- He Wants to be an Example

Look at the rain we received this mornng! Wow! It just doesn't rain much in southern California and almost never in September. We had lightning, LOUD thunder, and it poured. It didn't last long, but anything is better than nothing.

It was raining good stuff in the inbox of my email also. When I found the message (see below) left yesterday, I was just -- well, a little stunned, a little shocked, very thrilled, and immensely grateful. It will appear as bragging to put it here, but like September rain in southern California, these type of emails come so seldom . That is because I am a very serious instructor. I know that if a student passes from my class, but is not really ready to pass, then I have failed that student for the future. My students have to be able to read, write, think, and speak critically when they arrive at the next level of English. I'd like to keep this email message forever so this is the best place to store it. If it sounds like bragging, I apologize.

"Carol, I'm sure you're extremely busy teaching your new wave of future authors, and I'm sure you have a ridiculous number of e-mails by now, (if you're anything like last semester, and I'm willing to bet that you are) so I'll understand if you don't reply, but I would like to thank you for recommending me to Ms. Hill's Eng-1A class. I really had hoped that you taught a 1A class, because I would take it in a heartbeat, but Ms. Hill is a tremendous professor, and I know I am going to learn a great deal from her. Ever since I enrolled in your class I have had much more motivation to write, because I know I can write great material, and it is all thanks to your teaching. Thank you Carol, I hope we can stay in contact throughout my college career at the least. I'd one day would like to be used as an example in one of your lectures. I hope all is well. Sincerely, Kyle"

I'll always remember Kyle partially because I put an "R" on the first essay he submitted in my class and it was a good essay, but it wasn't quite on the topic of the assignment. He was so gracious and was more than willing to do the "Rewrite." He ultimately earned a very good grade on that essay and also for the semester grade. I also remember that he introduced his little brother to me in the Writing Center one day and was excited about his little brother enrolling in my class in the future. I kidded him at the time and told him no one encourages a friend or family member to enroll in that type of torture. So Kyle's email is an enormous joy! Especially after yesterday's meeting with English instructors (thanks for the thoughtful comments about that).

Thanks for reading this far.
The weather reporters are predicting the possibility of more rain. So here's hoping.

Good night from a cool Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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