
...... of Neo at 5.30 am, as he sat on the window-sill enjoying the early morning sun.

After a very cold and windy night, today has been glorious and back to warm weather again, it certainly has been all over the place in the last three days.

Hard to believe it's 10 years since 9/11.

I remember watching TV when the first pictures came on and thinking it was a new movie, and when I realized it wasn't, calling Christian to come and see, and we sat there in absolute horror and disbelief.

10 years ago - I wasn't working.
My husband had a good job.
Christian was at college.
Alexandra at school.

10 years on - I'm working
My husband was made redundant, and is struggling to get a
business up and running.
Christian died from cancer last year.
Alexandra has been engaged to the same guy for the last 7
years, no wedding in sight yet!

I don't think about the next 10 years, I can't.

My thoughts and prayers to all those people affected by 9/11, I know the heartbreak will never go away.

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