Collecting Moments

By AudreyJ

Old Sad Buildings

Today, we had to go shopping, Aiden needed some winter clothes, I needed a pair of walking shoes, and we needed groceries....oh how I hate shopping, of any kind, I just have this thing about how much time it wastes, but I'm grown up now and I know it has to be done, but I still don't like it.

We parked in Dundee and as I got out the car I noticed yet another beautiful old abandoned building (too many of them in this country) and I just had to take a photo of it, (old buildings and trees do this to me), I only had my mobile phone, so it's not the best quality.

I honestly could sit and stare at these old buildings for ages, and imagine all the people that ever occupied them, either as their work place or as their home. I wonder if they could be 'haunted', and if any of them have people 'hiding out' in them.

Notice the dark dull grey skies, not a nice day today weather-wise but never mind, home now with a roast chicken in the oven and having a glass of red.

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