
I wish we'd known about these botanic gardens yesterday: nice warm, damp air and pleasant plant-smells would probably have been very soothing for the eyes and faces rapidly approaching 42 hours without proper sleep we were dragging around with us on Thursday morning. Hopefully if we had come here yesterday we wouldn't have been too bleared to have managed to avoid all the face-height dangling plants coupled with the "don't touch ANYTHING" signs. Needle-sharp crystals which explode out and cause speech-preventing swellings? At least there are no extremely dangerous animals around here. It's slightly odd that botanic gardens are the same everywhere, especially as far as the architecture is concerned and also in many of their contents. It's the same as the occasional identifiable tree in the park outside; we know we're in the opposite hemisphere to our usual one and thus expect differences so when there's something the same it's slightly strange.

Didn't get to the target gallerything today as the botanics and nearby museum interposed themselves but I expect it'll still be there tomorrow. I shall have to ensure I get a decent amount of walking in too before attempting an evening meal if it's anything like this evening's reasonable-plateful of main course but massive-tablesworth of side order. Knew I should have gone for the soup. Combined with vast breakfasts and wife-pace-sauntering it could be quite a fattening holiday if all restaurants are like this.

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