My Life In Photos.

By vicky1972

Refreshing Orange Splash

Hello Everyone

May i say first that my thoughts are with all my American friends and people all over the world who have lost a loved one on 9/11 such a tragic day that will live with us all for ever, when i saw it on the news seeing the images stay with you it was devistating to see. We will never ever forget, god bless Everyone who have been involved. xxxx

Sorry this isnt very inspiring tonight, the kiddies didnt want photos today and i havent got any energy with the sickness still so i thought id play with water again, ive tried this before and quiet like the results but ill leave it up to you what you think. If i manage to get a Moon shot tonight i may change it but it keeps clouding over.

Thomas has his 1st full week at school this week and hes doing very well and loving it, Olivia has her first day back on tuesday morning and i think we may have tears again but i hope not for long so she can enjoy herself.

Have a lovely week everyone and lets hope i get some give up on this sickness.

refreshing and large

Vicky. xxxxxxxxxx

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