Whistler - Day 7 - Bear watching

I was sceptical about the bear watching which we had been booked to go out on. Thinking that it'd be a boring use of a couple of hours in Whistler I didn't think it'd be up to much. How wrong was I?

In this case - very.
We were out in a 4x4 with Whistler's very own Terry Nutkins - Michael Allen. He knows every bear in the Whistler valley by name, where they usually hang out and where they go foraging for berries or clover.
I was very surprised to find out that these bears are not really carnivorous, but will generally forage for berries or clover and will gorge themselves on this before they bed down for their hibernation period. It is the grizzly bears that are more the meat eater and will be more likely to attack humans.

If you are ever in Whistler and have 3 hours to use - go bear watching.

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