Another Beautiful Day

By drewzealand

Stosur won , Serena and NYC LOSERS !

I was in a B&B in Vancouver when the planes hit,all my kids' cartoon shows were off air and they came in to tell me they couldn't find anything to watch except this plane hitting a building,and it was on every channel.I knew something was very very wrong.My cousins were flying home from New York that morning.The world hasn't been the same since.
I paid my respects this morning to the perished and their families.I watched the American Eagles play Ireland in the Rugby World Cup yesterday which was our Sept 11.A courageous effort.
Why I turned on the tennis this morning to watch the womens final is beyond me.
I arrived just in time for the proverbial shit to hit the fan,or was it the referee.Well, we all we all know where it came from.
I mentioned yesterday that Bullying was in the headlines down here.
Here we have one amazingly big bully,Serena Williams, lash out once again.
The crowd seemingly behind her.
She had mentioned before the match,she was playing for the victims o9/11.
Pity,she couldn't ask them first,knowing what was to come.Pretty disgraceful.
As she was being given a sponsors cheque for $500.000 for being a second place spoiled little brat,with a toilet mouth bigger than her brain.She thanked her God,she thanked her friends and she thanked her family.I'm sure all of them were as gob smacked as me.Maybe not.
Who cares what the colour of her skin is,as came out in the aftermath on twitter and other various places.Thats a whole different discussion about americans.Free speech,open hatred,go for it!
And all those people would have died for what????
Simply,she's a big bully with green gob for brains and should be told to take an anger management program or never be allowed to play tennis in front of people again.
So today,we give Serena Williams and the people of NYC who were behind her,the Green Gob award.

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